Prevent and alleviate diseases using digital technology

HSC for:


Our goal is to improve life with illness and provide assistance with psychological stress factors. Unfortunately, widespread diseases very often shape the everyday lives of many patients, and our solutions help them to better cope with the associated challenges with the help of digital support.

Physicians / Therapists

We deliver the digital component in therapy. In addition to medical diagnosis, palliation and healing, pre-treatment and aftercare, our solutions complement the spectrum as part of an individual therapy approach and provide valuable support as digital helpers in patient care.

Patient / medical / scientific organizations (CROs)

The dissemination of knowledge and education offers enormous potential for better managing life with illness. The collection and analysis of medical data is of exceptional importance in generating new medical knowledge. We connect patient organizations and scientific institutions with participants for studies in clinical settings and provide a standardized process for easy, efficient and cost-effective capture, monitoring, and evaluation.

Insurance industry

Ensuring a high level of patient care in the face of ever-increasing cost pressure is one of the greatest challenges facing the insurance industry in the healthcare sector. Based on scientific evidence, our healthcare apps make a valuable contribution to reducing care costs, minimizing waiting times for medical appointments, and shortening therapy times.


HSC beni

Digitally prevent future diabetes, depression, obesity, and eating/personality disorder of the baby while still in the womb

Beni is a digital health app for the prevention of psychosocial stress factors around pregnancy and birth. At the heart of the app is a digital questionnaire based on the “Konstanz Index (KINDEX),” an instrument for self-assessment of psychosocial stress. Parents are sensitized to recognize their own stresses and to take advantage of counseling and support at an early stage, thus avoiding or minimizing the risk of stress for their child later on.

HSC tinnitus

Digitally alleviate tinnitus

HSC tinnitus uses digital methods to demonstrably alleviate patients’ suffering and enable them to live better with the disease. With the modules tinnitus diary, audio stimulation, psychoeducation as well as an assessment at the beginning and at the end of the therapy, the app combines different functions and therapy approaches that lead to a strongly significant improvement of the tinnitus burden. In addition, a high-quality, Europe-wide clinical study has demonstrated a very high level of effectiveness in combination with hearing aids.

HSC clinical trial

Digital capture and monitoring of trials in the clinical environment

HSC clinical trial involves patients and subjects in studies in the clinical setting and links them with scientific institutions and patient organizations. Health Study Club either hosts the studies on the HSC clinical trial platform or provides them directly as individual applications on request. Science and research are networked with physician and patient organizations. The continuous collection of medical data from studies in the clinical setting, as well as the scientific analysis and evaluation of these data, promotes academic progress and improves patient care while always respecting personal privacy.


We offer a wide range of services. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions that contribute to better patient care and promote scientific progress.
Trials in the clinical environment

We offer consulting and support in the areas of design, implementation and digital capture of studies in the clinical setting as well as in the analysis and evaluation of medical data.

Quality management and regulatory consulting

Our products are always developed according to standardized methods and are approved as medical devices (ISO 13485, classes I, IIa). In this respect, we have extensive and in-depth know-how in the regulatory environment, which we also make available to our customers. Our Quality Management team supports you in your regulatory affairs in the software environment.

About us

With the HSC product family, Health Study Club GmbH is developing a digital ecosystem for the healthcare industry. We create innovative healthcare apps for the digital alleviation and prevention of common diseases and operate HSC clinical trial, a platform for the digital collection, monitoring and analysis of medical data in the context of studies in the clinical environment. All products are developed according to standardized methods, use AI-supported functions and are approved as medical devices. Our goal is to create a digital ecosystem with our applications and services that connects all participants in the healthcare system – patients, relatives, physicians, therapists, science, medical organizations, and the insurance industry – serves and promotes scientific progress and contributes to better patient care – always while guaranteeing personal data protection.